Beyond the exome

DFG funded Research Group

People of Beyond the exome

Dr. Ashley D Sanders, PhD

Testbeschreibung Independent Junior Group Leader
Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association (MDC)
Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) Translational Research Unit
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology (BIMSB)
Hannoversche Str. 28 10115 Berlin

Phone: +49 (0)30 9406 1426

Ashley D Sanders is an independent Group Leader at the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association (MDC) of Berlin. She is also a founding member of the “Single cell Approaches for Personalized Medicine” focus area, which was jointly formed between the MDC, the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) and the Charité University Hospital. Throughout her scientific career, Ashley has developed and applied innovative single cell genomic technologies to better characterize genomes and solve biomedical problems. Ashley completed her doctoral studies in the laboratory of Dr. Peter Lansdorp (Vancouver, Canada) in 2016, where she co-developed one of the first single-cell sequencing methods ever published, called Strand-seq. From 2016-2020 she pursued her post-doctoral research within the laboratory of Dr. Jan Korbel at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL; Heidelberg, Germany), where she developed new computational workflows that harness single-cell data to detect and characterize genomic variants in diverse samples. Since 2021, Ashley heads her own research group at the MDC, called “Genomic Instability and Somatic Mosaicism”. Her current work focuses on characterizing germline and somatic genetic variation in primary human tissues to learn how mutations form, impact cell phenotypes and contribute to health and disease. ORCID ID:

Publications (selection)

Jeong H*, Grimes K*, Bruch P-M, Rausch T, Hasenfeld P, Sabarinathan R, Porubsky D, Herbst SA, Erarslan-Uysal B, Jann J-C, Marschall T, Nowak D, Bourquin J-P, Kulozik AE, Dietrich S, Bornhauser B, Sanders AD*, Korbel JO*. Functional analysis of structural variants in single cells using Strand-seq. Nat Biotechnol. 2023 Jun;41(6):832. doi: 10.1038/s41587-022-01551-4

Liao WW, Asri M, Ebler J, Doerr D, Haukness M, Hickey G, Lu S, Lucas JK, Monlong J, Abel HJ, Buonaiuto S, Chang XH, Cheng H, Chu J, Colonna V, Eizenga JM, Feng X, Fischer C, Fulton RS, Garg S, Groza C, Guarracino A, Harvey WT, Heumos S, Howe K, Jain M, Lu TY, Markello C, Martin FJ, Mitchell MW, Munson KM, Mwaniki MN, Novak AM, Olsen HE, Pesout T, Porubsky D, Prins P, Sibbesen JA, Sirén J, Tomlinson C, Villani F, Vollger MR, Antonacci-Fulton LL, Baid G, Baker CA, Belyaeva A, Billis K, Carroll A, Chang PC, Cody S, Cook DE, Cook-Deegan RM, Cornejo OE, Diekhans M, Ebert P, Fairley S, Fedrigo O, Felsenfeld AL, Formenti G, Frankish A, Gao Y, Garrison NA, Giron CG, Green RE, Haggerty L, Hoekzema K, Hourlier T, Ji HP, Kenny EE, Koenig BA, Kolesnikov A, Korbel JO, Kordosky J, Koren S, Lee H, Lewis AP, Magalhães H, Marco-Sola S, Marijon P, McCartney A, McDaniel J, Mountcastle J, Nattestad M, Nurk S, Olson ND, Popejoy AB, Puiu D, Rautiainen M, Regier AA, Rhie A, Sacco S, Sanders AD, Schneider VA, Schultz BI, Shafin K, Smith MW, Sofia HJ, Abou Tayoun AN, Thibaud-Nissen F, Tricomi FF, Wagner J, Walenz B, Wood JMD, Zimin AV, Bourque G, Chaisson MJP, Flicek P, Phillippy AM, Zook JM, Eichler EE, Haussler D, Wang T, Jarvis ED, Miga KH, Garrison E, Marschall T, Hall IM, Li H, Paten B. A draft human pangenome reference. Nature. 2023 May;617(7960):312-324. doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-05896-x.

Ebert P*, Audano PA*, Zhu Q*, Rodriguez-Martin B*, Porubsky D, Bonder MJ, Sulovari A, Ebler J, Zhou W, Serra Mari R, Yilmaz F, Zhao X, Hsieh P, Lee J, Kumar S, Lin J, Rausch T, Chen Y, Ren J, Santamarina M, Höps W, Ashraf H, Chuang NT, Yang X, Munson KM, Lewis AP, Fairley S, Tallon LJ, Clarke WE, Basile AO, Byrska-Bishop M, Corvelo A, Evani US, Lu TY, Chaisson MJP, Chen J, Li C, Brand H, Wenger AM, Ghareghani M, Harvey WT, Raeder B, Hasenfeld P, Regier AA, Abel HJ, Hall IM, Flicek P, Stegle O, Gerstein MB, Tubio JMC, Mu Z, Li YI, Shi X, Hastie AR, Ye K, Chong Z, Sanders AD, Zody MC, Talkowski ME, Mills RE, Devine SE, Lee C*, Korbel JO*, Marschall T*, Eichler EE*. Haplotype-resolved diverse human genomes and integrated analysis of structural variation. Science. 2021 Apr 2;372(6537):eabf7117. doi: 10.1126/science.abf7117.

Porubsky D*, Sanders AD*, Höps W, Hsieh P, Sulovari A, Li R, Mercuri L, Sorensen M, Murali SC, Gordon D, Cantsilieris S, Pollen AA, Ventura M, Antonacci F, Marschall T, Korbel JO, Eichler EE. Recurrent inversion toggling and great ape genome evolution. Nat Genet. 2020 Aug;52(8):849-858. doi: 10.1038/s41588-020-0646-x.

Sanders AD*, Meiers S*, Ghareghani M*, Porubsky D*, Jeong H, van Vliet MACC, Rausch T, Richter-Pechańska P, Kunz JB, Jenni S, Bolognini D, Longo GMC, Raeder B, Kinanen V, Zimmermann J, Benes V, Schrappe M, Mardin BR, Kulozik AE, Bornhauser B, Bourquin JP, Marschall T*, Korbel JO*. Single-cell analysis of structural variations and complex rearrangements with tri-channel processing. Nat Biotechnol. 2020 Mar;38(3):343. doi: 10.1038/s41587-019-0366-x.

Chaisson MJP*, Sanders AD*, Zhao X*, Malhotra A, Porubsky D, Rausch T, Gardner EJ, Rodriguez OL, Guo L, Collins RL, Fan X, Wen J, Handsaker RE, Fairley S, Kronenberg ZN, Kong X, Hormozdiari F, Lee D, Wenger AM, Hastie AR, Antaki D, Anantharaman T, Audano PA, Brand H, Cantsilieris S, Cao H, Cerveira E, Chen C, Chen X, Chin CS, Chong Z, Chuang NT, Lambert CC, Church DM, Clarke L, Farrell A, Flores J, Galeev T, Gorkin DU, Gujral M, Guryev V, Heaton WH, Korlach J, Kumar S, Kwon JY, Lam ET, Lee JE, Lee J, Lee WP, Lee SP, Li S, Marks P, Viaud-Martinez K, Meiers S, Munson KM, Navarro FCP, Nelson BJ, Nodzak C, Noor A, Kyriazopoulou-Panagiotopoulou S, Pang AWC, Qiu Y, Rosanio G, Ryan M, Stütz A, Spierings DCJ, Ward A, Welch AE, Xiao M, Xu W, Zhang C, Zhu Q, Zheng-Bradley X, Lowy E, Yakneen S, McCarroll S, Jun G, Ding L, Koh CL, Ren B, Flicek P, Chen K, Gerstein MB, Kwok PY, Lansdorp PM, Marth GT, Sebat J, Shi X, Bashir A, Ye K, Devine SE, Talkowski ME, Mills RE, Marschall T, Korbel JO*, Eichler EE*, Lee C*. Multi-platform discovery of haplotype-resolved structural variation in human genomes. Nat Commun. 2019 Apr 16;10(1):1784. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-08148-z.

Sanders AD, Falconer E, Hills M, Spierings DCJ, Lansdorp PM. Single-cell template strand sequencing by Strand-seq enables the characterization of individual homologs. Nat Protoc. 2017 Jun;12(6):1151-1176. doi: 10.1038/nprot.2017.029.

Sanders AD, Hills M, Porubský D, Guryev V, Falconer E, Lansdorp PM. Characterizing polymorphic inversions in human genomes by single-cell sequencing. Genome Res. 2016 Nov;26(11):1575. doi: 10.1101/gr.201160.115.