Beyond the exome

DFG funded Research Group

People of Beyond the exome

Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Schnalke

Testbeschreibung Berlin Museum of Medical History
Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Charitéplatz 1
D-10117 Berlin, Germany

Phone: +49 (0)30 450 536077
FAX: +49 (0)30 450 7536905

Thomas Schnalke, MD is a tenured full professor of medical history and medical museology and director of the Berlin Museum of Medical History of the Charité. He has studied medicine in Germany (Würzburg and Marburg/Lahn) and written a medical historical thesis to receive his MD in 1987. In this study he dealt with the history and technology of dermatological moulages. From 1988 onward, he worked as assistant professor at the Institute for the History of Medicine at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, where he got his habilitation for medical history in 1993 with an analysis of German urban medicine in the 18th century. In the year 2000 he received a call to fill his professorship at the Charité and become director of the Charité museum. His research focuses on different museological aspects in medical history (museum’s studies), methods and approaches in the material cultures of the history of medicine and the sciences, history of medical teaching objects and collections, especially specimens and moulages. At the museum he could realise quite a number of medical history exhibitions as well as presentations at the meeting points of art and medicine.

Publications (selection)

Schnalke T. Das Plus non ultra. Zur Wertschätzung anatomischer und pathologischer Präparate um 1900. In: Johanna Bleker, Petra Lennig und Thomas Schnalke (Hg.): Tiefe Einblicke. Das Anatomische Theater im Zeitalter der Aufklärung. Berlin, kadmos 2018, p. 101-125

Ramsbrock A, Schnalke T, Villa PI. Menschliche Dinge und dingliche Menschen. Zeithistorische Forschungen (Studies in Contemporary History) 2016;13,3:488-505

Mücke M, Schnalke T. Anatomisches Theater. Europäische Geschichte Online (EGO), hg. vom Leibniz-Institut für Europäische Geschichte (IEG), Mainz 2018.

Schnalke T. Medical Modernist. […] the dual genius of pathology sculptor and abstract artist Adolf Fleischmann. Nature 2016;560:30-1

Schnalke T. Von Präparat zu Präparat. Rudolf Virchow und seine Idee eines dynamischen Körpermuseums. In: Anke te Heesen und Margarete Vöhringer (Hg.): Wissenschaft im Museum – Ausstellung im Labor. Berlin 2014, p18-38

Schnalke T. Museums: Out of the cellar. Nature 2011;471:576-7

Schnalke T. Arguing with Objects – The Exhibition as a Scientific Format of Publication. In: Susanne Lehmann-Brauns, Christian Sichau und Helmut Trischler (Hg.): The Exhibition as Product and Generator or Scholarship. Max Planck Preprint Berlin 2010, p103-110

Schnalke T. Tracing Life: The History, Concept and Goals of the New Permanent Exhibition in the Berlin Museum of Medical History at the Charité. Medicina nei Secoli Arte e Scienza 2009;21:117-40